
Former Resident Visa Subclass 151

The Former Resident Visa Subclass 151 happens to be a visa for the ex-officials of the Australian Defence Force who now wish to live in the country. Since it happens to be a permanent visa, so you can reside for an indefinite time span without facing any difficulty. Opting for various academic courses and working under some reputed organizations are also possible with Visa 151. The ISA Migrations & Education Consultants, as the most reputed Migration Agent Australia helps them in getting the Australian visa at the earliest. Applying for visa 151 can be done from anywhere around the world.
The Visa Subclass 151 Australia permits the person to access various health care schemes under the Australian government such as Medicare. You can also sponsor your family members who want to come and reside in the country with you. Applying for Australian citizenship can be done who has enrolled for visa 151. Travelling to and fro to your native place is a cakewalk for the initial 5 years. If you want to visit your home country, then you need to apply for Resident Return (RRV) to re-enter. You need to respect the law and order of the country during your staying period.

What Visa Subclass 151 Lets You To Do in Australia?

The Visa Subclass 151 allows the applicant to reside in the country permanently. You can also enrol for an academic course if you want to. Getting a job in a recognized organization is also possible with 151 Visa Australia. Financing your loved ones who want to come and reside in the country with you is also possible. If you qualify for the eligibility factors, then you can apply for the citizenship of the country. Travelling to your home country under Visa 151 is not at all difficult. Enrol your name in various health care schemes that are available in the country so that you can access it whenever required.

What are requirements for Former Resident Visa Subclass 151 Australia?

Attaining the Former Resident Visa Subclass 151 is not at all difficult if you can maintain the entire permanent resident visa Australia Requirements. But in case you drop out a single step, then the application form will be dismissed. So, the requirements are stated below:

  • Must be below 45 years for long residence requirements.

  • No age is specified if you are applying for Australian Visa 151.

  • Health and character Requirements should be attained.

  • Clear the outstanding dues if anything is registered under the government.

  • Must meet the requirements of the defence services.

  • Must have an assurance of support in the country.

  • Must not have your visa cancelled or rejected in the past while residing in the country.

General Eligibility Criteria for 151 Permanent Resident Visa Australia

To attain the permanent resident visa Australia, you need to first qualify for the eligibility criteria which are discussed below. Without achieving these criteria, you won’t be able to apply for Visa subclass 151.

Value of the Debt
No debt should be registered on your name under the Australian government. If anything as such is there, then you need to re-pay the amount before applying for the visa.

Status of the Visa
The Visa 151 application form should not have been cancelled or rejected in the past when you have applied for it.

Assurance of Support
You must have an assurance of support in the country. So that you don’t have to rely on the government for any kind of support.

Health Requirements
If the applicant is travelling along with their family members, they also need to meet the health requirements that are stated by the government. If you are applying for it from outside the country, then your extended family members who are not travelling with you might need to qualify the requirements.

Character Requirements
Applicant above 16 years of age needs to meet the character requirements that are necessary for the visa to get approved.

Age Requirement
There is no specific age that is needed to be maintained to apply for visa 151. But to meet the long residence requirements you should be below 45 years.

Long Residence requirements
The applicant needs to show proofs so that the authority knows that he or she has met the requirements. If you are below 18 years then you need to spend a minimum time of half of your life in the country or if you are above 18 years then you need to spend a minimum time span of 9 years as a permanent resident before you have turned 18. You need to be less than 45 years when you are applying for it. You will qualify for the visa if you are not an Australian citizen. Also, there’s another criterion that demands that you have kept cultural or personal ties with the country, even after leaving the country.

Requirements of the Defence Services
You can either be medically unfit due to your service in Australian Defence, and released from the defence services before the tenure of the service or you must have completed your service period in the Australian Defence.

Former Resident Visa Subclass 151 Checklist

To avoid situations like dropping out any single information for applying for Former Resident Visa Subclass 151, it is beneficial if you are able to maintain a checklist. A checklist for 151 Visa Australia should look like this.

  • You need to attain the health requirements while you are applying for Australian Visa 151.

  • Collect all the required documents that are needed such as defence requirements, assurance of support, long residence requirements, etc.

  • You must apply for it in pen and paper.

  • You should be at the same place from where you have applied for it when the visa is granted.

  • If the application gets accepted then you will receive the details regarding the visa.

  • And if the application gets rejected then the reason for it will be informed to you.

  • The application fee will not be refunded, if it gets rejected.

What is the processing time for Australian Visa Subclass 151?

Determining the processing time of Former Resident Visa Subclass 151 is quite difficult as it depends upon certain factors such as:

  • Filling the particulars in the application form of 151 visa Australia.
  • Time is taken in responding to the queries that are asked by the authority.
  • Verifying the details that are provided by you with the application form of Visa Subclass 151.
Name of the Visa Processing time
Former resident Visa Subclass 151 Not Available

When it boils down to filling inappropriate details in the visa application form of Visa subclass 151, the ISA Migrations & Education Consultants are the best Migration Agent Australia who helps you to guide you throughout the process and attain a Former Resident Visa 151. We extend our support to those candidates who are waiting for 151 Visa Australia for quite a long time. So, if you wish for a fast and swift visa application process, get in touch with us right away!

General FAQs Former Resident Visa Subclass 151

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