
Aged dependent relative visa subclass 114

The Aged Dependent Relative Visa Subclass 114 is a visa that is sanctioned by the government of Australia to help those people who are dependent on their relatives who are staying in Australia. The Visa 114 allows them to come and stay in Australia for an indefinite time interval. The Australian government also allows them to work and study a variety of things if they are interested in doing so. This is an offshore visa that lets the applicant spent time with their loved ones. The Subclass 114 visa also permits the applicant to travel to and from Australia for 5 years. If you want to travel after 5 years you need to apply for resident return (RRV) so that you can re-enter Australia as a permanent resident.
The visa is applicable only if you are single. The visa allows the applicant to visit a new country and stay there for a long time as he or she wants. The Migration Agent Australia guides you through the visa process and explains to you about the requirements for qualifying for the visa. Get in touch with ISA Migrations & Education Consultants to continue higher studies in Australia under this visa. The applicant should have an eligible sponsor for subclass 114. The visa also permits these applicants to enroll in various health care services. You need to present certain proofs which state that you have been financially supported by someone who is an Australian Citizen.

Who can apply For Aged Dependent Visa Subclass 114?
The Aged Dependent Visa Subclass 114 allows the applicant to come and stay in Australia if he or she fulfills all the required condition which is stated below:

  • You should be outside Australia when you are applying for this visa.
  • You should be sponsored by your eligible relative or your relative’s partner for attaining the Visa 114.

What Aged Dependent Relative Visa Subclass 114 Lets You To Do In Australia?

Since this is a permanent visa, the Subclass 114 allows you to stay in Australia for an indefinite time. You can also work as well as study in Australia with Visa 114. You can travel to and from Australia for 5 years.

Subclass 114 Aged Parent Visa Requirements

The Aged Dependent Relative Visa Subclass 114 application form should be proper in all respect. You should be able to submit all the required documents that are required to get the Subclass 114 visa. If you are not able to submit the required documents then you will not get the visa. The 114 Visa Requirements are stated below:

  • The applicant should be a pensioner or disabled person.

  • The applicant should meet the health and character requirements.

  • The applicant should have a sponsor.

  • The applicant should be dependent on the relative for the basic needs who is staying in Australia.

  • The applicant should be free from any debt under the Australian government.

  • The applicant should sign the Australian government statement.

Aged Parent Visa 114 Eligibility Criteria

Particular requirements need to be fulfilled once you think of applying for the visa. You are advised to follow every point carefully to be free from rejections. To attain the visa you should have the required necessities which are listed below:

Have a sponsor:
You must be sponsored by an eligible relative or relative’s partner and the sponsorship should be accepted by the government of Australia.

Age criteria:
You must be a pension holder. The sponsorship should include your accommodation expenses and financial assistance for staying in Australia.

You must be dependent on your relative for basic daily needs such as food, clothing, etc who is staying in Australia for at least three years before applying for the visa. You can also be dependent on your relative due to disability and you can’t work.

Have no partner:
To qualify for Aged Dependent Relative Visa Subclass 114 you must not have a partner.

Assurance of support:
You must have an assurance of support which means you don’t have to rely on the Australian Government for any kind of support. Your relative should be your assistance once you step in Australia.

Health requirement:
To attain the Subclass 114, the applicant along with the family members should quality the desired health requirements stated by the government. They can also ask the extended family to come and qualify for the requirements.

Character Requirement:
To have the Visa 114 for your relative, they should meet the character requirements stated by the government of Australia. If necessary they can also ask your extended family members to meet the requirements.

You or your family should be free from any kind of debt if any with the Australian Government.

Rejection and qualification of visa:
Your visa should neither be rejected nor be canceled while you were in Australia.

The best interest of the child:
A visa will not be granted if it is not in the best interest of the applicant below 18 years.

Sign the statement:
You need to sign the statement stating you will accept the Australian way of work and will respect Australian law.

Aged Parent Visa Subclass 114 Checklist

To get a Subclass 114 visa it is beneficial to maintain a checklist so that you don’t drop out any point. As leaving a simple thing will lead to rejection of your application. The below mention points will give you an idea about it:
Before applying:
Check your passport and see if you need the help of anyone else.

Gather the documents:
Collect all the required documents such as health and character requirements, identity cards, sponsor documents, etc.

While applying:
You must be applying for the Aged Dependent Relative Visa Subclass 114 in a paper and you must be outside Australia.

After applying:
Once your application gets accepted check whether you need any more details to be presented or not.

For Visa 114, if your application has been accepted then you will receive a letter stating that your application has been approved. Or if your application is rejected then you will get the information stating the reason for it and you will also receive the application processing fees.

Aged Parent Visa Subclass 114 Processing Time

There is no particular time for processing of the Aged Dependent Relative Visa Subclass 114. It is on a first-come-first service. The Subclass 114 Processing Time depends on a few factors such as:

  • If you do not fill the form correctly.
  • If you do not include all the information that is required or what you have provided is not sufficient the authority needs more information.
  • You should clear the application form processing fees to start your application processing for 114 Visa.

Since family migration visas are in high demand, the above value is an approximate value for processing subclass 114.

The Aged Dependent Relative Visa Subclass 114 allows an opportunity for the aged parents to go and stay with their relatives permanently who are staying in Australia. The Migration Agent Australia helps those applicants who are planning for their visit to Australia. The ISA Migrations & Education Consultants helps you to get through the process without any problem. They will help you out if you get stuck anywhere in the middle of the process.

FAQs Parent Visa Subclass 114

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