
Australian Citizenship

Non-Australian citizens can now apply for a citizenship following certain guidelines and standards. If an individual is a permanent resident of Australia and is able to meet the eligibility requirements given, he might be able to apply for a citizenship by conferral. This means that this particular person is to be conferred or given the citizenship.

The things one should know when applying for, and granted an Australian citizenship include eligibility, documents to prepare and submit, lodging of application, appointment-setting, ceremony, and the corresponding fees. There are different choices of application. It is important that the person applying knows the type and the ways on how to apply for Australian citizenship.

How Can ISA Migrations Help You?

We are a team of expert migration agents who have skillfully dealt and negotiated with clients from different nations and as cultural backgrounds. We make thorough evaluation on the case of our clients including their personal conditions. When the assessment is completed and no problems are detected, we then recommend for them to make the next move, be it, to obtain a visa, or apply for the citizenship in Australia. More so, we offer a complete checklist that will address all the legislations needed.

If you wish to apply for a citizenship in Australia but you don’t know how to go about it, let the ISA Migrations help you with the application process. Visit us at your nearest ISA Migration’s office or fill out the inquiry form and send us your query. One of our team members will get in touch with you.

Applying For An Australian Citizenship

Documents needed to apply for a citizenship

One needs to obtain the three types of documents in order to apply for citizenship. These are as follow:

  • Identity documents showing the photograph and signature; present residential address; and the birth name, date of birth and gender
  • Character document containing the evidence that the applicant lived or travelled outside Australia since age 18 years old; and the totality of time spent overseas is added to the 12 months or more
  • Supporting documents such as evidence for exemptions, discretions and concessions; evidence of the requirement for special residence; evidence of residence for both British and New Zealand migrants; and documents related to children who are included in the application

Who Can Apply For This Citizenship?

An individual can become a citizen once certain requirements are met. Typically he is eligible to apply if he:

  • is a permanent resident at a time of application and at the time of decision
    meets the residence requirements
  • is of good character
  • has a basic knowledge of English language
  • intends to reside or maintain a close and continued connection with Australia
  • has a sufficient knowledge of privileges and responsibilities of citizenship in Australia An applicant who is 60 years old and above is not required to take the citizenship test.

What Can An Australian Citizen Do?

There are special days and events recognized in Australia, and affirmation and citizenship ceremonies are frequently held as part of coming together as one nation to honor the great things of Australia and how great it is to be an Australian. These celebrations a citizen can enjoy include:

  • Australia’s Local Hero Award
  • Australia Day
  • Australia Citizens Day, and
  • Other citizenship celebrations

The Australian citizenship lets you live in Australia permanently. However, certain requirements are needed along with the fees to qualify for the application.

General Eligibility Criteria For Australian Citizenship

Aside from the Australian citizenship eligibility mentioned, there are other things to consider for the application to be processed. Generally, one can apply if he is a migrant with permanent residence. The general residence requirements are as follow:

  • he must have lived in Australia holding a valid Australian visa for four years immediately prior to application
  • must have been a permanent resident for 12 months immediately prior to application and not have been absent from this country for more than one year in all, during the four-year period including not over 90 days in the 12 months prior to application

Under some conditions, he must be qualified for the application for a discrepancy to the residence requirement, or be qualified under the requirement for special residence.

General Q & A About This Citizenship

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