
Skilled Visa

A skilled visa allows the skilled individuals to work and live in the Australian region. Being the most popular visa application pathway for the skilled workers, it tends to be a points-based system too. ISA Migrations would assist you in applying for the visa. Merely, skilled Visa Australia rests for the individuals who are not sponsored by any employer, family member or a state or the territory. After attaining the visa, one may permanently live and work in the Australian region.
For gaining the eligibility for Skilled Migration Australia, you are just required to score at least 65 marks i.e. passing mark in the Points Test.

Categories Of Skilled Visa

Skilled- Recognised Graduate Visa

Skilled Recognized Visa allows the individuals to live, work and study in Australia for up to a period of around 18 months. These are the individuals who are recent engineering graduates. Also, you must have completed a degree or the higher qualification from the specified institution in Australia within the past 2 years. The aspirant of Skilled Recognized graduate Visa is required to be less than 31 years of age.
Eligibility criteria for the visa;

  • one must possess the engineering qualification
  • reach the age limit
  • should not have previously been the primary holder of subclass 476 or subclass 485 visa.
  • possess the required level of English.
  • should have cleared all the Australian Government debts.

Skilled (Independent) Visa

It is an Australian Skilled Visa for the skilled workers who are not sponsored by any territory, state, an employer, or a family member. The holder of Skilled Independent Visa is free to permanently live and work in the Australian economy. One may too have the inclusion of certain family members in the application system.
In order to lodge a valid visa application, firstly you are required to attain the positive skills assessment. All it is to be done before submitting the Expression of Interest via Skill-select. Credentials rests to;

  • be younger than 45 years of age when invited to apply.
  • Have nomination of an occupation that matches your qualifications and skills.
  • Have the skills being assessed by the authorities suitable to your vocation.
  • 65 points score in the Points Test and meet the health based requirements.

Skilled (Sponsored) Visa

Being sponsored by the Australian state, the visa is for the skilled workers in the region who are nominated by the territory or state. The holder of the visa can live and work permanently in the Australian region. The application may too have the inclusion of certain family members. Credentials for the Skilled Sponsored Visa rest to;

  • be invited to apply for the visa
  • be younger than age of 45 years during the invitation.
  • Undergo the nomination of any vocation matching your skills
  • have competent English
  • score 65 number in Points test
  • meet the health & character requirements

Distinguished Talent Visa

This visa rests for the aspirants who are talented exceptionally and have the recognized record in achieving the profession, academic, research or any sports. Also, the individual incline to be nominated as an Australian permanent resident or citizen. Thus, there too rests two distinct stages for having the Distinguished Talent Visa application successfully;
First rest to be;

  • Being a nationally reputed Australian citizen, eligible New Zealand citizen, Australian permanent resident or an Australian organization in the specific arena and nominating the applicant for certain purpose. The same rests to testifying the standing of applicant in achieving the relevant area in the region.
    Second rests to the lodging of a Permanent Residence Visa application to the Department of Home Affairs and having the demonstration that they;
  • are still salient in the applicable area
  • possesses the record being recognized internationally in exceptionally achieving certain profession, arts, academia, etc.
  • require to be an asset to the Australian community.
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Enquire now to discuss your visa options with our Registered Migration Agents
Amit Taya (Perth) : +61 426 488 909 Harmandeep (Adelaide) : +61 8 8120 4199