
Medical Treatment Visa 602

The Medical Treatment Visa 602 is a visa which permits those applicants to travel to Australia or stay for a longer time in the country who are need of medical treatment. It is also applicable to those who are supporting someone in the family who needs medical assistance. The 602 Visa is applicable for the one who is donating an organ to someone else. With the help of this visa, a person who has been trying to travel to the country for medical purpose can do so now. You are allowed to visit the country as many times as you want only if the visa permits.
The visa has helped in curing many individuals who do not have access to treatment in their nation. It allows the applicant to stay in the country during the entire treatment procedure or until the consultations are over. Applying for the visa can be done from anywhere in the world. The ISA Migrations & Education Consultants help in the visa application procedure. You should have enough resources to survive during your stay period in the country.

Who Can Apply For Medical Treatment Subclass 602 Visas?

The Medical Treatment Subclass 602 Visa has certain characteristics which need to be attained while applying for it which is stated below:

  • You can be anywhere while applying for the Visa 602.
  • You must follow all the rules and regulations stated by the Australian government.
  • You should leave the country before the expiry of the visa.
  • The applicant should have enough financial assistance to support himself/herself in the country.

What Medical Treatment Visa 602 Lets You To Do in Australia?

With Medical Treatment 602 Visa, you can continue your stay in the country till the consultations or the treatment and all the related diagnosis is completed. The Visa 602 grants you with single entry or more than that depending on your situation. If there is any particular thing which you want to study and that can be completed within the three-month time duration, then you can definitely do so, or else not.

What are Medical Visa 602 Requirements?

There are some necessary steps which need to be followed if you want 602 Visa to be granted. If you do not follow these requirements then this will lead to the rejection of the form. So to follow the Medical Visa 602 Requirements, you need to go through the points stated below:

  • Should make arrangements for the payment beforehand.

  • Should sign the documents stating that you will respect Australian government law and order.

  • Should be a genuine visitor.

  • Should clear all your financial dues under this government.

  • No age specification is required.

  • Health and character requirements should be matched.

  • Should be able to financially support yourself while residing in the country.

  • Should not contain any deadly disease which is harmful for the public of the nation.

  • Should not hold any domestic worker visa.

General Eligibility Criteria for Subclass 602 Visa

To attain Visa 602, you need to follow certain key points which are explained below. Without achieving these key points, you will not get “this visa”. So the Subclass 602 Visa Eligibility is listed below:

Visa Instructions
You need to be in either of the situations. Either you have to be the one who is receiving an organ from someone who is also traveling with you, or you have come to the country on the basis of arrangements made by the Queensland’s Department of Health or Western Provinces of Papua New Guinea. Another factor is that you should intend to have a medical treatment in the country or you need to donate an organ to someone or need to assist someone who is medically not fit.

Medical Condition
You should not suffer from any disease which is a threat to the general public of the nation.

Worker Visa Holder
If you are presently in the country then you should not hold any domestic worker visa.

Financial Support
You should have enough finances with you which will help you to survive your stay in the country.

Age specifications
You can be of any age while applying for it.

Health and Character Requirement
There are specific health and character requirements which are listed by the government of the nation which needs to be attained while applying. If the visa demands the family members of the particular candidate to come and meet the requirements, then they have to attain it while applying for the visa.

Genuine traveler
You can stay with it for a specified time interval and do the things which are only allowed by the visa. You cannot apply for this if you are in Australia or you are aged above 50 years or you have been refused by a permanent visa because you were not able to meet the health requirements or you are not fit to depart from the country.

Financial Dues
You should not have borrowed any money from the Australian government. If so then you need to pay it back before applying for the visa.

Payment process for the Treatment
The applicant needs to make a pre-arrange payment process for the medical costs before the start of the treatment itself, so that it will not cost the government of Australia. You need to show these documents before going for a checkup in any private or a public hospital.

Visa Status
The visa should not have been cancelled or rejected even for once.

You need to sign the documents stating that you will respect the Australian law and way of life.

Medical Treatment Subclass 602 Visa Checklist

It is quite beneficial to maintain a checklist for Visa 602. This will help you to be free from dropping out any critical information. The Medical Treatment Subclass 602 Visa Checklist is described below:

  • You might need to get your health checkup done before applying for it.

  • Gather all your documents such as the identity card, health and character requirements, financial dues clearing certificate, etc. Keep all the originals so that when they ask for you can provide them with the proper one.

  • You can be anywhere while applying for this visa.

  • After applying wait till you receive a letter stating that the application form has been received by them.

  • If the visa gets granted then you will receive the details of the visa such as period of the visa, date of the starting of the visa, etc.

  • If in any case the visa gets rejected then you will receive a letter stating the reason for it.

  • The application fee will not be refunded if the application gets rejected.

What is Medical Treatment 602 Visa Processing Time?

The 602 Visa Processing Time depends on various factors such as the quality of the application form which means whether you have included all the details or not, etc. The Visa 602 approximate time duration has been listed in the table.

Name of the Visa Processing time
Medical Treatment Visa 602 75% Applications 90% applications
29 days 55 days

The Medical Treatment Visa 602 has been beneficial for people who want to go to the country for the treatment purpose. We, the Migration Agent Australia have helped a lot of candidates who have been suffering from various diseases and are in search of proper treatment. Get in touch with the ISA Migrations & Education Consultants, as we are always available to render useful assistance. Give us a call today for exceptional professional assistance!

General FAQs Medical Treatment Visa 602


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